We had a beautiful clear sky for our first observatory night of the season. Here's what we observed:
Through the 14-inch scope
- Jupiter
- Waxing gibbous Moon
- Mizar (double star in Ursa Major)
Through the 8-inch scope
- M42 (Orion Nebula)
- Waxing gibbous Moon
- Jupiter
- Alcor and Mizar (double star in Ursa Major)
- M44 (Beehive cluster in Cancer)
- Waxing gibbous Moon
Jupiter is currently in the constellation Leo, the Lion. The information sheet on Leo from the observatory night can be accessed here.
Many thanks to Kim and Ryan for operating the 8-inch telescope and binoculars, respectively, and thanks also to the MC Stargazer club members. These events would not be possible without the time and talent of Montgomery College students.
The upcoming spring and summer events are full, but we've added a wait list to the Eventbrite ticket reservations. If you are on the wait list, you will be notified by email if a slot opens up.