Observatory Schedule

We are having mechanical issues with our observatory roof and are unable to schedule events at this time. As soon as it's fixed, I will post the schedule here.

About the Guest Nights:

During Observatory Guest Nights we use Montgomery College telescopes to view and learn about visible solar system objects, star clusters, and nebulae. We also spend some time looking at the sky with just our eyes in order to locate constellations and planets that can be seen this time of the year.

You'll leave with a star chart and the ability to find celestial objects on your own.
Astronomy faculty will be on hand to answer questions about the universe.

Some things to note:

  • Dress for the weather. The observatory is located outside on the roof of the Science Center.
  • We meet in Science Center room 406 (SC406). We go up to the roof as a group. If you're late, there will be a staff member or student in SC406 to escort you upstairs.
  • Children are welcome (and encouraged!) to attend, although campus policy prohibits children younger than five years of age on the roof.
  • Parking is free.

I want to continue to improve the observatory nights. If you have suggestions or comments, please let me know.